

發(fā)布于:2023-12-28 11:39:50  來源:http://www.2010yyh.cn


Firstly, self-service vending machines screen alcoholic beverages


We cater to the taste preferences of the public to the fullest extent in the selection of alcoholic beverages for our vending machines. At present, the self-service wine vending machine we have developed has a single and double outlet, and the terminal of each outlet is connected to any wine container. Each capacity can be customized, and each outlet is for strong aroma, sauce aroma, or fruit wine. When consumers need to drink, they can scan the code to purchase according to their personal preferences.


Secondly, the special functions of self-service vending machines



Our wine vending machine has an independent backend and mini program. It is very important to utilize the big data of self-service vending machines to do a good job in marketing and make it more convenient for users when facing familiar groups.


For example, the wine vending machine has Bluetooth scanning function. This QR code can obtain different specifications of alcohol tolerance, and merchants can monitor their liquor inventory and arrange replenishment in real-time in the background, making it more convenient for both consumers and merchants.


Thirdly, self-service vending machines can meet the needs of the market environment


Currently, major e-commerce platforms such as Alibaba and JD.com are in full swing. What cannot be underestimated is our offline retail channels. Self service liquor vending machines take retail Baijiu as a breakthrough, specialize in offline Baijiu retail industry, and make important contributions to the market under the overall consumption environment.


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